
发布人:贾岩  发布时间:2020-11-11   浏览次数:8318

余翔湛  翟健宏 何慧  刘亚维  张羽  张宏莉  于海宁  王彦  王星  张玥  张宇  张伟哲





针对互联网域名解析系统中单根树的系统结构与网络主权平等的治理结构之间的不相匹配问题,率先提出了基于互联根的域名解析体系结构,研制了国家自主根域名解析试验系统。形成了应对某些大国通过控制dns根服务器而操控全球互联网的战略反制。为我国在互联网管理事务中赢得国际话语权,为实现多边共治提供技术支撑 。


research center of computer network and information security

computer network and information security research center currently has 16 teachers, including 5 professors and 5 associate professors and 6 lecturers, among whom 7 are doctoral supervisors. main research interests include network and information security, information content security, network measurement, network computing technology etc. in recent years, the center has completed more than 70 scientific research projects, including 5 key projects of national information security, 3 projects of national basic research program (973 program), 8 projects supported by national natural science foundation of china (nsfc), 6 projects of national high-tech r&d program of china (863 program),  more than 50 projects of ministerial foundation program, etc. it has won 1 first prize of the state scientific and technological progress award, 2 second class prizes of the national science and technology progress award, 6 prizes of national /ministerial science and technology progress award. over 500 papers have been published in/at domestic and international academic journals and conferences.
