序号 | 会议名称 | 所属领域 | 评价 |
1 | scg: acm symp on computational geometry | algorithms and theory | nus rank 1 /aus a |
2 | foga:foundations of genetic algorithms | algorithms and theory | aus a /nus 无认定 |
3 | ccc:ieee symposium on computational complexity | algorithms and theory | aus a/nus rank 2 |
4 | esa:european symposium on algorithms | algorithms and theory | aus a/nus rank 2 |
5 | isaac:international symposium on algorithms and computation | algorithms and theory | aus a/nus rank 2 |
6 | stacs:symposium on theoretical aspects of computer science | algorithms and theory | aus a/nus rank 2 |
7 | canim:computer animation | applications and media | aus a/nus rank 2 |
8 | cgi:computer graphics international | applications and media | aus a/nus rank 2 |
9 | mmcn:acm/spie multimedia computing and networking | applications and media | aus a/nus rank 2 |
10 | cvpr: ieee conf on comp vision and pattern recognition | applications and media | nus rank 1 /aus a |
11 | cscl:computer supported collaborative learning | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a /nus 无认定 |
12 | icaps:international conference on automated planning and scheduling | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a /nus 无认定 |
13 | icis:international conference on information systems | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a /nus 无认定 |
14 | ijcar:international joint conference on automated reasoning | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a /nus 无认定 |
15 | amai:artificial intelligence and maths | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a/nus rank 2 |
16 | conll:conference on natural language learning | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a/nus rank 2 |
17 | cssac:cognitive science society annual conference | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a/nus rank 2 |
18 | doceng:acm symposium on document engineering | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a/nus rank 2 |
19 | ecai:european conference on artificial intelligence | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a/nus rank 2 |
20 | eccv:european conference on computer vision | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a/nus rank 2 |
21 | icdar:ieee international conference on document analysis and recognition | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a/nus rank 2 |
22 | icip:ieee international conference on image processing | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a/nus rank 2 |
23 | icnn:ieee international conference on neural networks | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a/nus rank 2 |
24 | icpr:international conference on pattern recognition | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a/nus rank 2 |
25 | iconip:international conference on neural information processing | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a/nus rank 2 |
26 | naacl:north american association for computational linguistics | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a/nus rank 2 |
27 | wacv:ieee workshop on apps of computer vision | artificial intelligence and related subjects | aus a/nus rank 2 |
28 | coling international conference on computational linguistics | artificial intelligence and related subjects | |
29 | recomb: annual intl conf on comp molecular biology | biomedical informatics | nus rank 1 /aus a |
30 | ismb: international conference on intelligent systems for molecular biology | biomedical informatics | nus rank 1 /aus a |
31 | cikm: intl. conf on information and knowledge management | databases | nus rank 1 /aus a |
32 | icdt: intl conf on database theory | databases | nus rank 1 /aus a |
33 | dasfaa:database systems for advanced applications | databases | aus a/nus rank 2 |
34 | edbt:extending database technology | databases | aus a/nus rank 2 |
35 | ssdbm:international conference on scientific and statistical data base management | databases | aus a/nus rank 2 |
36 | icpp:international conference on parallel processing | hardware | aus a/nus rank 2 |
37 | micro: intl symp on microarchitecture | hardware and architecture | nus rank 1 /aus a |
38 | ics:acm international conference on supercomputing | hardware and architecture | aus a/nus rank 2 |
39 | iswc:ieee international symposium on wearable computing | hardware and architecture | aus a /nus 无认定 |
40 | pervasive:international conference on pervasive computing | hardware and architecture | aus a /nus 无认定 |
41 | ubicomp:ubiquitous computing | hardware and architecture | aus a /nus 无认定 |
42 | concur:international conference on concurrency theory | hardware and architecture | aus a/nus rank 2 |
43 | fse: acm conf on the foundations of software engineering (inc: esec-fse) | programming languages and software engineering | nus rank 1 /aus a |
44 | fm/fme: formal methods, world congress/europe | programming languages and software engineering | nus rank 1 /aus a |
45 | caise:international conference on advanced information systems engineering | programming languages and software engineering | aus a/nus rank 2 |
46 | coordination:international conference on coordination models and lanuguages | programming languages and software engineering | aus a/nus rank 2 |
47 | ecoop:european conference on object-oriented programming | programming languages and software engineering | aus a/nus rank 2 |
48 | iccl:ieee international conference on computer languages | programming languages and software engineering | aus a/nus rank 2 |
49 | iceccs:ieee international conference on engineering and complex computer systems | programming languages and software engineering | aus a/nus rank 2 |
50 | icsm:international. conferenceon software maintenance | programming languages and software engineering | aus a/nus rank 2 |
51 | pepm:acm sigplan workshop on partial evalutation and program manipulation | programming languages and software engineering | aus a/nus rank 2 |
52 | rta:international conference on rewriting techniques and applications | programming languages and software engineering | aus a/nus rank 2 |
53 | ssr:acm symposium on software reusability | programming languages and software engineering | aus a/nus rank 2 |
54 | tacas:tools and algorithms for construction and analysis of systems | programming languages and software engineering | aus a/nus rank 2 |
55 | ase:automated software engineering conference | programming languages and8software engineering | aus a/nus rank 2 |
56 | iwqos:ifip international workshop on qos | programming languages and8software engineering | aus a /nus 无认定 |
57 | ieee symposium on security and privacy | system technology | nus rank 1 /aus a |
58 | ppopp: principles and practice of parallel programming | system technology | nus rank 1 /aus a |
59 | icnp: intl conf on network protocols | system technology | nus rank 1 /aus a |
60 | pact: intl conf on parallel arch and compil tech | system technology | nus rank 1 /aus a |
61 | rtas: ieee real-time and embedded technology and applications symposium | system technology | nus rank 1 /aus a |
62 | icdcs: ieee intl conf on distributed comp systems | system technology | nus rank 1 /aus a |
63 | dsn:international conference on dependable systems | system technology | aus a /nus 无认定 |
64 | ipsn:information processing in sensor networks | system technology | aus a /nus 无认定 |
65 | osdi:usenix symposium on operating systems design and implementation | system technology | aus a /nus 无认定 |
66 | rss:robotics: systems and science | system technology | aus a /nus 无认定 |
67 | sensys:acm conference on embedded networked sensor systems | system technology | aus a /nus 无认定 |
68 | csfw:ieee computer security foundations workshop | system technology | aus a/nus rank 2 |
69 | ic3n:international conference on computer communication and networks | system technology | aus a/nus rank 2 |
70 | icc:ieee international conference on communications | system technology | aus a/nus rank 2 |
71 | lcn:ieee conference on local computer networks | system technology | aus a/nus rank 2 |
72 | usenix-security:utysenix security | system technology | aus a/nus rank 2 |
73 | ipdps:ieee international parallel and distributed processing symposium (was ipps and spdp) | systemtechnology | aus a/nus rank 2 |
74 | mascots:symposium model analysis & simulation of computer & telecommunications systems | systemtechnology | aus a/nus rank 2 |
75 | nossdav:network and os support for digital a/v | systemtechnology | aus a/nus rank 2 |
76 | pt:performance tools - international conference on model techniques & tools for cpe | systemtechnology | aus a/nus rank 2 |
77 | ieee icassp: ieee international conference on acoustic, speech and signal processing | 语音处理(speech processing) | 重要国际会议 |
78 | interspeech:annual conference of the international speech communication association | 语音处理(speech processing) | 重要国际会议 |
79 | ieee international symposium on reliable distributed systems | system technology | 重要国际会议 |
80 | icif:international conference on information fusion | 信息融合 | 重要国际会议 |
81 | emnlp: empirical methods in natural language processing | 自然语言处理 | 重要国际会议 |
82 | ieee international conference on service computing | | 重要国际会议 |
83 | ieee international conference on web services | | 重要国际会议 |
84 | ieee international edoc conference - the enterprise computing conference | | 重要国际会议 |
85 | visual communications and image processing | | 重要国际会议 |
86 | ieee international conference on multimedia & expo | | 重要国际会议 |
87 | ieee international conference on pervasive computing and communications | | 重要国际会议 |
88 | international joint conference on natural language processing | | 重要国际会议 |
89 | ieee international conference on robotics and automation | | 重要国际会议 |
90 | international conference of the ieee engineering in medicine and biology society | | 重要国际会议 |
91 | computing in cardiology | | 重要国际会议 |
92 | internet measurement conference | | 重要国际会议 |
93 | globecom | | 重要国际会议 |