ieee fellow、美国南加州大学教授nenad medvidovic学术报告通知-凯发k8旗舰厅

ieee fellow、美国南加州大学教授nenad medvidovic学术报告通知
发布人:贾岩  发布时间:2019-04-08   浏览次数:420

应计算机科学与技术学院院长王亚东教授邀请,在国际合作部国际项目管理中心大力支持下,ieee fellow、美国南加州大学nenad medvidovic教授将于201948-2019414日访问我校计算机学院。访问期间将在我校开展三次学术报告,欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学参加。


报告时间:49 14:00-15:30


报告主题:mining architectural information to stem technical debt

主要内容:in this talk, i will focus on isolating three types of architectural information from the details readily available about a system’s implementation: architectural design decisions, change, and decay. i will show how     this information can be used to identify the locations in a software system’s implementation that reflect the       architectural decay, the points in a system’s lifetime when that decay tends to occur, and the reasons why it      occurs. i will show how architectural decay tends to correlate with the occurrence of commonly reported                implementation-level issues, and how it can be predicted. finally, i will identify steps that engineers can take to   manage the accumulated technical debt by stemming and reversing the decay.


报告时间:411 14:00-15:30


报告主题:loose coupling in mobile systems: challenges and opportunities

主要内容:event-based interaction is an attractive paradigm because its use can lead to highly flexible and     adaptable systems. mobile systems rely on events to enable users to interact with applications, and also to enable applications to interact with one another. for example, in android, two types of event-based interaction are          commonly used: (1) callbacks are used to handle user interaction and (2) intents are used to enable inter-app        communication. one problem in the event-based paradigm is that events are sent, received, and processed          nondeterministically, due to the event-based systems’ reliance on implicit invocation and implicit concurrency.   this talk will discuss a suite of software analysis and instrumentation techniques for identifying anomalies in        event-based interactions, sealing off certain types of security vulnerabilities, and improving the runtime                performance of event-based mobile applications.


报告时间:412 12:00-13:30


报告主题:publishing on tse/fse/icse

作为ieee transactions on software engineering 顶级期刊的主编,nenad medvidovic教授即将在报告中介绍自己主编期刊的基本情况。作为软件工程、软件体系结构的专家,在本次报告中,也将对软工领域的国际级会议icse和研讨会fse发表文章的注意事项做详细介绍。


nenad medvidovic教授,博士毕业于。目前担任美国南加州大学教授,是ieee fellowacm杰出科学家、顶级期刊《ieee transactions on software engineering》主编。主要研究方向为软件工程、软件体系结构。在软件工程领域有极为丰富的科研及教学经验,是国际顶尖软件工程学者。

南加利福尼亚大学(university of southern california),又译南加州大学,简称南加大(usc),是美国西海岸最古老的顶尖私立研究型大学,世界著名高等学府。
